Next year we are changing the structure of our classes due to the block schedule. We are also changing the names of the classes. below is a breakdown. In order to maintain a daily show without double blocking the class I have decided to split up the 20 seniors into two classes of 10. I am then going to put 10 juniors in each of those classes thereby turning it into a stacked class (a class period made up of two different classes).
So on "A" day there will be a class of 10 seniors producing the show while ten juniors work on their projects to support the show. The same thing happens on "B" day, just with different kids. I will have four intro classes. I have posted applications for each class online under the handouts section of there is also a rubric posted for the intro to av production class on there too. I will be making decisions on who makes it to the advanced class soon after the fourth six weeks is over, I will be making decisions about the practicum class by the end of March, and I will make decisions for the intro class by the beginning of March.
As the application states, next years seniors are being ranked based on 4 things, the average grade of their packages, average grade of produced shows, their fall semester exam and a final cut pro test that will cover every one of my FCP tutorials. This test will be given on Friday March 26th. I still have two more lessons to post but there is plenty to get started with. The test will not be open notes. There is a link to the tutorials on the right of this page! how convenient! or you can
click here
I will tell the counselors who makes it and who doesn't, so put an alternate too.
Digital Filmmaking: (intro) AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION.
Grade Placement: 10-11 Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite/Comments: Application must be filled out in case of overage, Weighted credit, see Gil Garcia Room 334. This is an introductory digital filmmaking and broadcast production class. Students will learn screenwriting, camera, sound recording and editing to make short films, music videos and news packages. This is a prerequisite for the K-AHS classes. Counts for college credit at ACC.
Grade Placement: 11-12 Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite/Comments: Weighted credit, see Gil Garcia Room 334
This is the first year K-AHS class. Students will work with more advanced cameras, lighting, sound and editing equipment. Students make intros and news packages about events in school and the community that air on K-AHS, the school TV channel. Counts as tech credit and college credit at ACC. This is a prerequisite for the practicum class.
Grade Placement: 12 Credit: 1.0
Prerequisite/Comments: Weighted credit, see Gil Garcia Room 334
Second year K-AHS. The focus is on studio production and making short films and intros. This class anchors the daily K-AHS show. Students enter and attend The Austin Film Festival. Students may also get Final Cut Pro Certified. This is an extremely valuable certification, a $1000 value. This course counts for college credit at ACC.
-Gil Garcia - Digital Filmmaking Instructor